UPDATE: Tantita Security Makes Detail Revelation On Alleged Oil Theft


The respected attention of the NNPC Command and Control Centre is brought to the above subject matter which involving an unknown Oil Tanker stealing Crude Oil from a Wellhead Jacket situated at the borderline between OML 110 (operated by CAVENDISH PETROLEUM NIGERIA LIMITED) and OML 103 (operated by CONSOLIDATED OIL).

In the last week, Tantita Security Services Operatives in the Igbokoda axis of Ondo State have been receiving and gathering intelligence on a group of persons planning to steal Crude Oil off the coast of Ondo State. Apparently, they had secured the thumbs-up from unknown security personnel as regards their intended operation. The mode of stealing will be by ship, whose name has been obliterated and unknown.

Chief amongst the beneficiaries of the planned operation is one Mr. IWATAN BAMITALE who is currently facing charges in court under similar circumstances.

The loading of the ship was to commence just before 2200hrs local time on the 6th of December 2023. Tantita Security Operatives got confirmation that the unknown ship is on location and has made fast to the Well Jacket and that loading has commenced.

At about 0300hrs local time, Tantita Security Operatives set out to secure the scene of the crime via two boats. While underway, information reached us that the ship had onboard four AK-47 Riffles and Ammunitions and we should proceed with caution. This prompted us to have a change in plan from securing the ship in the dark to laying siege in the area, waiting for daylight hours.

As daylight approached, we approached the ship to have a clearer view. It was discovered that it had already connected hoses from the Wellhead to its deck and loading had commenced. By this time, an update also go to us that the Nigerian Navy Forward Operating Base has sent out gunboats in the direction of the crime scene as well. Their mission was to rescue the ship from the Tantita Operatives laying siege in the area and securing it from being boarded.

Not long after the information about the Navy gunboats came in, at about 0700hrs local time, two Navy Gunboats and one speed boat donated to the Nigerian Navy by the Ondo State government four years ago, approached and started firing warning shots. The Tantita Security Operatives had no choice but to abandon securing the crime scene and call for backup from their Oporoza Base.

Backup from Tantita’s Oporza base arrived on the scene at about mid-afternoon. They couldn’t approach the vessel which was still made fast to the Wellhead with its loading hose. We presume that loading was still in progress as the Nigerian Navy did all it could to protect the ship.

We refused to leave the area despite the cat-and-mouse chase between the Tantita Operatives and the Navy at sea. By evening time, we got information that the Navy had removed the Master of the yet-to-be-identified ship and one other crew member to their base in Lagos, for reasons we consider obvious.

From our deductions, owing to the short period and lack of room given to the Crude Oil thieves and the size of the hoses, the ship hadn’t loaded much before its planned operation was disrupted. However we are unsure as to how much she has taken since we couldn’t board the ship.

In the videos attached to this report, you could see the Government Security forces attached to Tantita Security Operatives complaining about how they were fired upon by the Nigerian Navy. A situation that continuously daunts us as we are meant to fight the common enemy threatening Nigeria’s economic well-being.

Our attention is also focused on the sponsor of the ill fated voyage of this unidentified ship, by the name of Mr. IWATAN BAMITALE. We have attached the charges filed against him and one Mr. DEMEHIN ADESAYO. In addition, find below photographs of some of Mr. IWATAN BAMITALE’s victims who are alive to tell their ordeal:

Further intelligence reaching Tantita Security Services is that Mr. IWATAN BAMITALE, is connected and working with one of the persons approaching the NNPC for Pipeline Security Contract.

And also, Mr. IWATAN BAMITALE works with an expert living in Benin, specialized in tampering with Well Jackets for illegal off-take by ships. We are currently on his trail.

While Tantita Security Services will continue to lay siege and monitor the situation as it unfolds in addition to the whereabouts of the Well Jacket Engineer, with updates, find below some of the recommendations coming into mind at the moment, that would require urgent attention:

The Nigerian Navy be implored to allow us to bring the unidentified ship in for further investigation

The Navy should produce the Crew taken off the unidentified ship for questioning

The Nigerian Navy should make sure that the stolen Crude Oil is not pumped out and that the ship is cleaned up

The activities going on inside the Nigerian Navy’s FalconEye should be investigated as the ship was only a few kilometers off the coast of Ondo State, well within view of the Nigerian Navy’s FalconEye, but they never reacted

The connection and acclaimed transactions between Mr. IWATAN BAMITALE and the said Pipeline Surveillance Company approaching NNPC for a contract should be investigated

The activities of the employees of CAVENDISH PETROLEUM NIGERIA LIMITED and CONSOLIDATED OIL should be closely looked into and investigated as there has been one too many Crude Oil theft from Jackets within this same vicinity

There should be an inquiry into the shooting directed at Tantita Operatives and the Government Security Forces attached to them by the Nigerian Navy personnel on the gunboat marked “P491”.

Capt. Warredi Enisuoh
Executive Director – Operations and Technical Tantita Security Services Nigeria Limited


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